saint exupery antoine de petit prince

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Petit Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Petit Prince


RUR 2768

Le premier soir je me suis donc endormi sur le sable a mille milles de toute terre habitee. J'etais bien plus isole qu'un naufrage sur un radeau au milieu de l'ocean. Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drole de petite voix m'a reveille. Elle disait : S'il vous plait... dessine-moi un mouton ! Hein ! - Dessine-moi un mouton... J'ai saute sur mes pieds comme si j'avais ete frappe par la foudre. Le chef-d'?uvre universel de poesie, d'humanite et d'emotion...

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince


RUR 1171

Рисунки в книге выполнены самим автором и не менее знамениты, чем сама книга. Важно, что это не иллюстрации, а органическая часть произведения в целом: сам автор и герои сказки всё время ссылаются на рисунки и даже спорят о них. Уникальные иллюстрации в "Маленьком принце" разрушают языковые барьеры, становятся частью универсального визуального лексикона, понятного каждому. "Ведь все взрослые сначала были детьми, только мало кто из них об этом помнит", - Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери. Для широкого круга читателей.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince


RUR 405

Le Petit Prince est une oeuvre la plus connue de Saint-Exupery. Publie en 1943 a New York simultanement a sa traduction anglaise, c'est un conte poetique et philosophique sous l'apparence dun conte pour enfants. Le langage, simple et depouille, parce qu'il est destine a etre compris par des enfants, est en realite pour le narrateur le vehicule privilegie d une conception symbolique de la vie. Chaque chapitre relate une rencontre du petit prince qui laisse celui-ci perplexe quant au comportement absurde des "grandes personnes". Chacune de ces rencontres peut etre lue comme une allegorie.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le Petit Prince


RUR 165

Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, не­адаптированный текст известной сказки Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери "Маленький принц" (1943). Издание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основа­ми французского языка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нём.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le petit prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Le petit prince


RUR 2598

"J'ai ainsi vecu seul, sans personne avec qui parler veritablement, jusqu'a une panne dans le desert du Sahara, il y a six ans. Quelque chose s'etait casse dans mon moteur. Et comme je n'avais avec moi ni mecanicien, ni passagers, je me preparai a essayer de reussir, tout seul, une reparation difficile. C'etait pour moi une question de vie ou de mort. J'avais a peine de l'eau a boire pour huit jours. Le premier soir je me suis donc endormi sur le sable a mille milles de toute terre habitee. J'etais bien plus isole qu'un naufrage sur un radeau au milieu de l'ocean. Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drole de petite voix m'a reveille. Elle disait : ..."

Bussi Michel Code 612. Qui a tue le Petit Prince?
Bussi Michel Code 612. Qui a tue le Petit Prince?


RUR 2805

Le matin du 31 juillet 1944, Antoine de Saint-Exupery s’envole de Borgo, en Corse, pour une mission de reconnaissance militaire. Personne ne le reverra jamais. Quelques mois plus tot, il achevait son ultime manuscrit, Le Petit Prince – cet enfant blond comme les bles qui « aurait l’air d’etre mort et ce ne serait pas vrai ». Il est le roman le plus traduit au monde. Conte merveilleux ? ou testament crypte ? Depuis toujours, la coincidence de ces deux morts intrigue le Club 612. C’est l’occasion d’une enquete de haut vol ou, plus que jamais, « l’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux »...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Маленький принц/Le Petit Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Маленький принц/Le Petit Prince

Модель: Республика

RUR 990

Философская сказка "Маленький принц" – самое известное произведение французского писателя, репортера и летчика Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери. Опубликованная за год до трагической гибели автора и переведенная более чем на 300 мировых языков, книга уже почти 80 лет является неоспоримым шедевром, великой аллегорией, на которой выросло не одно поколение взрослых, навсегда сохранивших внутри себя светлый кусочек детства. Печальная и мудрая сказка-притча простым языком рассказывает о любви и дружбе, о долге и верности, о красоте и нетерпимости к злу – все это вечные философские вопросы, одинаково актуальные как для ребенка, так и для взрослого.На страницах этого издания вы найдете оригинальный французский текст и его классический перевод на русский язык, выполненный Норой Галь – прославленной советской переводчицей, литературоведом и редактором. Текст дополняют красочные иллюстрации авторства самого Антуана де Сент-Экзюпери. Все это делает книгу отличным подарком, к которому захочется возвращаться, каждый раз открывая для себя что-то новое.

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies
Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies


RUR 3664

From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz comes another epic historical novel translated by Lilit Zekulin Thwaites and based on a true story – the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince. Poet. Aristocrat. Pilot. Hero. Only the best pilots are given jobs at Latecoere, France. The successful candidates include Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A man whose desire to fly will put him at odds with his aristocratic family and the girl who loves him – but who wants to keep him grounded. Together with his friends Jean and Henri, they will change the history of aviation and pioneer new mail routes across the world. But Antoine is also destined to touch the lives of millions of readers with his story The Little Prince. But as war begins to threaten Europe, Antoine’s greatest adventure is yet to come . . .

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Little Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Little Prince


RUR 3904

A pilot stranded in the desert awakes one morning to see, standing before him, the most extraordinary little fellow. "Please," asks the stranger, "draw me a sheep." And the pilot realizes that when life's events are too difficult to understand, there is no choice but to succumb to their mysteries. He pulls out pencil and paper... Thus begins this wise and enchanting fable that, in teaching the secret of what is really important in life, has changed the world forever for its readers. Often seen as a symbol of childhood innocence, Antoine de Saint-Exupery's best-selling book The Little Prince is cherished by children and adults alike across the globe. Ideal for children aged 7 and up. This beautiful edition contains the definitive translation and all the original illustrations. The Little Prince joins the ranks of A Little Princess, The Secret Garden & Peter Pan as a genuine children's classic of the twentieth century. Antoine De Saint-Exupery was born in 1900 in Lyon. In 1921, he began his training as a pilot By 1926, he had became one of the pioneers of international postal flight. In 1945 he embarked on a record-breaking attempt to fly from Paris to Saigon. Nineteen hours into the flight, his plane crashed in the Sahara desert. He survived the crash but spent three days battling dehydration, limited food and hallucinations. On the fourth day, the was rescued. In part, this experience was the inspiration for 'The Little Prince'. He continued to fly until World War II, during which he took self-imposed exile. On 31 July 1944, he disappeared over the Mediterranean while flying a reconnaissance mission.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de Wind, Sand and Stars
Saint-Exupery Antoine de Wind, Sand and Stars


RUR 2346

Both a gripping tale of adventure and a poetic meditation, Antoine de Saint Exupery's Wind, Sand and Stars is the lyrical autobiography of an aviation pioneer, from the author of The Little Prince. This Penguin Modern Classics edition is translated from the French with an introduction by William Rees. In 1926 de Saint-Exupery began flying for the pioneering airline Latecoere - later known as Aeropostale - opening up the first mail routes across the Sahara and the Andes. Wind, Sand and Stars is drawn from this experience. Interweaving encounters with nomadic Arabs and other adventures into a richly textured autobiographical narrative, it has its climax in the extraordinary story of Saint-Exupery's crash in the Libyan Desert in 1936, and his miraculous survival. 'Self-discovery comes when a man measures himself against an obstacle,' writes Saint-Exupery. This book explores the transcendent perceptions that arise when life is tested to its limits. Writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-44), was born in Lyon, France. His first two books, Southern Mail and Night Flight, are distinguished by a poetic evocation of the romance and discipline of flying. Later works, including Wind, Sand and Stars and Flight to Arras, stress his humanistic philosophy. Saint-Exupery's popular children's book The Little Prince is also read by adults for its allegorical meaning. Saint-Exupery's plane disappeared during a mission in World War II.

Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies
Iturbe Antonio The Prince of the Skies


RUR 4012

From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz, Antonio Iturbe, comes a captivating historical novel based on a true story - the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince. Flying. Love. War. For some men everything is an adventure . . . All Antoine de Saint Exupery wants to do is be a pilot. But flying is a dangerous dream and one that sets him at odds with his aristocratic background and the woman he loves. Despite attempts to keep him grounded, Antoine is determined to venture forwards into the unknown. Together with his friends, Jean and Henri, he will pioneer new mail routes across the globe and help change the future of aviation. In the midst of his adventures, Antoine also begins to weave a children's story that is destined to touch the lives of millions of readers around the world. A story called The Little Prince . . . Fame and fortune may have finally found Antoine, but as the shadow of the Second World War begins to threaten Europe, he's left to wonder whether his greatest adventure is yet to come . . .

Le Petit Prince
Le Petit Prince


RUR 99

Le Petit Prince est une oeuvre la plus connue de Saint-Exupery. Publie en 1943 a New York simultanement a sa traduction anglaise, c''est un conte poetique et philosophique sous l''apparence dun conte pour enfants. Le langage, simple et depouille, parce qu''il est destine a etre compris par des enfants, est en realite pour le narrateur le vehicule privilegie d une conception symbolique de la vie. Chaque chapitre relate une rencontre du petit prince qui laisse celui-ci perplexe quant au comportement absurde des "grandes personnes". Chacune de ces rencontres peut etre lue comme une allegorie

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince


RUR 881

A pilot forced to crash-land in the Sahara Desert encounters a little prince who is visiting the earth from his own small planet, which boasts just three volcanoes and a beautiful flower. Through this meeting, the aviator comes to discover many of life's universal truths - truths which illuminate the human condition with all its foibles, shortcomings and eccentricities. This charming and remarkable book will enchant both children and adults alike. It is a whimsical but profound parable for all ages, championing the beauty and wisdom of childhood which fades when one becomes "a grown-up". Antoine de Saint-Exupery's book has been translated into over 180 languages and has sold over 80 million copies. Its magic is in its charm, its simplicity and its truths which speak to people of all nations and generations. Стильно оформленное подарочное издание в суперобложке, с трехсторонним золотым обрезом и шелковым ляссе.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince


RUR 3706

"The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart." After crash-landing in the Sahara Desert, a pilot encounters a little prince who is visiting Earth from his own planet. Their strange and moving meeting illuminates for the aviator many of life's universal truths, as he comes to learn what it means to be human from a child who is not. Antoine de Saint-Exupery's delightful The Little Prince has been translated into over 180 languages and sold over 80 million copies. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features a specially commissioned translation by Ros and Chloe Schwarz, as well as the charming original illustrations by Saint-Exupery himself, coloured by Barbara Frith, one of England's leading colourists. It's a book that will enchant both children and adults alike. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince


RUR 1277

Having crash-landed in the Sahara desert, a pilot comes across a young boy who introduces himself as the Little Prince and tells him the story of how he grew up on a tiny asteroid before travelling across the galaxies and coming to Earth. His encounters and discoveries, seen through childlike, innocent eyes, give rise to candid reflections on life and human nature. First published in 1943 and featuring the author's own watercolour illustrations, The Little Prince has since become a classic philosophical fable for young and old, as well as a global publishing phenomenon, selling tens of millions of copies worldwide and being translated into dozens of languages.

Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince
Saint-Exupery Antoine de The Little Prince


RUR 1564

The Little Prince is a modern fable, and for readers far and wide both the title and the work have exerted a pull far in excess of the book's brevity. Written and published first by Antoine de St-Exupery in 1943, only a year before his plane disappeared on a reconnaissance flight, it is one of the world's most widely translated books, enjoyed by adults and children alike. In the meeting of the narrator who has ditched his plane in the Sahara desert, and the little prince, who has dropped there through time and space from his tiny asteroid, comes an intersection of two worlds, the one governed by the laws of nature, and the other determined only by the limits of imagination. The world of the imagination wins hands down, with the concerns of the adult world often shown to be lamentably silly as seen through the eyes of the little prince. While adult readers can find deep meanings in his various encounters, they can also be charmed back to childhood by this wise but innocent infant. This popular translation contains the author's own delightful illustrations, bringing to visual life the small being at the tale's heart, and a world of fantasy far removed from any quotidian reality. It is also a sort of love story, in which two frail beings, the downed pilot and the wandering infant-prince who has left behind all he knows, share their short time together isolated from humanity and finding sustenance in each other. This is a book which creates a unique relationship with each reader, whether child or adult.

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